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Green Fees

We are delighted to welcome visitors and guests to our club and hope you enjoy your day. You can use our online tee-time booking system to check availability and reserve a time.

Online visitor tee times can be booked 14 days in advance and times are available to book after 11 AM on weekdays and 12 PM at weekends.

If you are a County Cardholder, or a junior, please call us on 01379 641025 to book your time. Please also call us, should you wish to discuss making a society or golf day booking.

Click the button below to book online.


WINTER Green Fee RATES (1st October-31st march)

SUMMER GREEN FEE RATES (1st April-30th september)



18 Holes


18 Holes

Visitors (Weekday)£45.00£40.00   
Visitors (Weekend)£50.00£45.00   
Member's Guest (Weekday)£25.00£25.00   
Member's Guest (Weekend)£30.00£30.00   

Twilight Rate

(After 4PM British Summer Time - April 1st to September 30th)

Member's Guest £25.00£30.00   
Adult Visitor£35.00£40.00   
Junior Guest£15.00£18.00   
Junior Visitor£20.00£25.00   
Juniors (Under 18 years of age)SummerWinter   
Visitors (Weekday)£20.00£15.00   
Visitors (Weekend)£25.00£20.00   
Member's Guest (Weekday)£12.00£10.00   
Member's Guest (Weekend)£15.00£13.00   
County Cards (Suffolk/ Norfolk/ Essex)SummerWinter   
Weekend   £42.50


9 Hole Visitor Rates      Adult   Junior   
1st October - 31st March after 2pm        £18      £12